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Mirror Spell

Items Needed:

1+ mirror(s) or shiny item

3 white chandles

Olive Oil

Keep yourself and home safe by charging a mirror(s) around your home.

You can keep any size mirror or anything that reflects, even a Christmas ornament would work. Also it can be easily hidden without people questioning why you have so many mirrors around haha. Place them by windows, doors, under your bed, as well as carry one on you at all times (can be a shiny chain, keychain or charm). Light three (anointed with olive oil while visualizing your intent) white candles in a triangle form (2 in back, 1 up front) Hold the mirror/item if small enough, if not that's fine. Envision a white protective light surrounding the mirror and recite boldly with power "with this mirror strong and clear I am protected and have no fear. Any harm thrown at me will return times three, so mote it be" . Put the mirror down between the white candles (in the center of the formed triangle). You can let the candles burn out on their own or snuff them out after allowing a few minutes of them burning. Always snuff out, never blow out candles! I also always say when snuffing the candles "Although you no longer burn in the physical may you continue to burn in the astral, so mote it be". I tend to charge mirrors/items monthly if needed. :)


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